Carpet Cleaning in Tampa
Our client brought this rug to us to have it cleaned. The before has staining in the middle and mildew. Our Carpet Tech's did a great job removing the stain and mildew - Fresh & Clean!
Carpets act as a filter, trapping dust, dirt, gases, animal hair, and other soils. All carpet manufacturers agree on actions you can take between carpet cleanings to increase the life span of your carpet.
IICRC states that 79% of soil in carpet is dry soil. Vacuuming is a key component to proper care and maintenance of carpet.
Preventative maintenance actions include:
- Regular vacuuming
- Spot removal
- Pilating the carpet to prevent matting
- Moving furniture to change traffic patterns
- Using walk-off mats to limit the amount of soil tracked onto the carpet
Follow this link for more information on carpet cleaning Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning